Noise is color in silence #01 by Noise Ladder

Netlabel: Electron EmitterEEM053
Released: 09 Apr 2020
  • 1
    Side A
  • 2
    Side B
00:00:00 / 00:00:00

In a noisy and chaotic world, many of us are looking for calmness or emptiness. And when we finally find some pieces of silence, we understand that they are not empty at all.

Nicolas Lafay aka Noise Ladder presents “Noise is color in silence”. Behind this name, there is a series of releases, each of them consists of a cassette tape with original artwork and a digital version. For every new release, a new artist is invited to propose a visual universe for the music of Noise Ladder.

Jeanne Van Monckhoven, a French artist from Bordeaux, has drawn 4 gorgeous cassette covers for the first issue, so 4 copies of the tape are available.


The music is downloadable for free.

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